Purple Boots has been busy at her sewing machine this month making a gift for her cousin.
A quilt was requested in shades of grey to match their baby decor. Take a look at the quirky foxes and cuddly bunnies Purple Boots created using applique and the repeating theme of a cheeky bird popping up in each square. She has gone though her scrap box looking for coordinating fabric to make the scrappy borders.

All those tiny little morsels work really well against the plainer borders. Because the family want a play mat rather than an heirloom quilt, the quilt has been backed with our supersoft dove grey dimple fleece. A little bit of embroidery brings each if the animals to life. All ready for new arrival!

Check out our range of neutrals on our website. Purple Boots has effectively used a combination of greys and whites. Look especially for Lewis & Irene Bumbleberries, Nutex Moko, Michael Miller Marbles and Sevenberry Marbles, all of which can be seen somewhere in this quilt!